Part 2 book “Anatomy and physiology coloring workbook - A complete study guide” has contents: Blood, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system and body defenses, the respiratory system, the digestive system and body metabolism, the urinary system, the reproductive system. | 10 BLOOD Blood, the “life fluid” that courses through the body’s blood vessels, provides the means for the body’s cells to receive vital nutrients and oxygen and dispose of their metabolic wastes. As blood flows past the tissue cells, exchanges continually occur between the blood and the tissue cells so that vital activities can go on continuously. This chapter provides an opportunity to review the general characteristics of whole blood and plasma, to identify the various formed elements (blood cells), and to recall their functions. Blood groups, transfusion reactions, clotting, and various types of blood abnormalities are also considered. Composition and Functions of Blood 1. Complete the following description of the components of blood by writing the missing words in the answer blanks. _ 1. _ 2. In terms of its tissue classification, blood is classified as a (1) because it has living blood cells, called (2) , sus pended in a nonliving fluid matrix called (3) . The “fibers” of blood only become visible during (4) . _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. If a blood sample is centrifuged, the heavier blood cells become packed at the bottom of the tube. Most of this compacted cell mass is composed of (5) , and the volume of blood accounted for by these cells is referred to as the (6) . The less dense (7) rises to the top and constitutes about 45% of the blood volume. The so-called “buffy coat,” com posed of (8) and (9) , is found at the junction between the other two blood elements. The buffy coat accounts for less than (10) % of blood volume. _ 8. _ 9. Blood is scarlet red in color when it is loaded with (11) ; otherwise, it tends to be dark red. _ 10. _ .