The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Career development, career stages, career management, stress & performance, managing conflict, personality traits, the big five traits, traits and managers. | Management Practices Lecture-19 1 Recap Personality Traits The Big Five Traits Traits and Managers Values Moods 2 Today’s Lecture Career Development Career Stages Career Management Stress & Performance Managing Conflict 3 Career Development Career: sum total of the work-related experiences through a person’s life. Linear career: person moves through a sequence of jobs of higher levels. Can build different experience in different positions. Steady State career: worker chooses to keep the same kind of job over much of a career. Become highly skilled in a given area. Spiral Career: worker holds fundamentally different jobs that still build on each other. Worker gains wide experience yet skills continue to build. 4 Career Stages Preparation for Work Organization Entry Early Mid- career Mid- career Late Career 5 Career Stages Preparation for Work: decide on kind of career, determine qualifications needed. Organizational entry: find a “first” job. Managers usually start in a functional area | Management Practices Lecture-19 1 Recap Personality Traits The Big Five Traits Traits and Managers Values Moods 2 Today’s Lecture Career Development Career Stages Career Management Stress & Performance Managing Conflict 3 Career Development Career: sum total of the work-related experiences through a person’s life. Linear career: person moves through a sequence of jobs of higher levels. Can build different experience in different positions. Steady State career: worker chooses to keep the same kind of job over much of a career. Become highly skilled in a given area. Spiral Career: worker holds fundamentally different jobs that still build on each other. Worker gains wide experience yet skills continue to build. 4 Career Stages Preparation for Work Organization Entry Early Mid- career Mid- career Late Career 5 Career Stages Preparation for Work: decide on kind of career, determine qualifications needed. Organizational entry: find a “first” job. Managers usually start in a functional area first. Early career: establishes person in the firm and begins achievement. Worker learns firm’s values and duties. Also begins to achieve noteworthy results in the job. Worker tries to stand out as a good performer. Mentors (experienced manager who shows you the ropes) are valuable during this stage. 6 Stages, cont. Mid-career: usually have been in workforce 20-35 years. Usually provides major accomplishments. Career plateaus can occur as chances for further promotion dwindle. Plateau managers can still enjoy a fruitful career. Late career: continues as long as the manager works and is active. Many managers choose to stay active well past normal retirement. 7 Career Management Managers need to consider both personal career management as well as the careers of other workers in the firm. Ethical practice: managers need to ensure worker promotions are based on outcomes, not friendships. This means all workers are treated equally. Accommodation of other demands: Workers have many things