Consumer lenders come to BOP finance from a very different angle than most microfinance institutions. While microfinance began with credit for the owners of tiny informal businesses, consumer lenders began by helping salaried workers buy things. Today, especially in Latin America, the two approaches are starting to meet and compete. | Summary Who serves the market? WHO SERVES THE BOP MARKET—AND WHO DOESN’T? Microfinance Institutions From tiny nonprofit beginnings in the 1970s and 1980s, microfinance has become a significant global force that increasingly operates as part of the financial sector. Microfinance Institutions According to the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), the data custodian for the microfinance community, the 1,330 microfinance institutions that report to it lend to 57 million people worldwide. Microfinance Institutions The Microcredit Summit, an advocacy organization, casts a wider net, including quasiformal providers like self-help group movements and some public-sector development banks. Microfinance Institutions Its 2007 report records 133 million active borrowers in 3,316 microfinance institutions. Microfinance Institutions ACCION International, as a promoter and developer of microfinance institutions, has come to inclusive finance through the microfinance movement. Microfinance . | Summary Who serves the market? WHO SERVES THE BOP MARKET—AND WHO DOESN’T? Microfinance Institutions From tiny nonprofit beginnings in the 1970s and 1980s, microfinance has become a significant global force that increasingly operates as part of the financial sector. Microfinance Institutions According to the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), the data custodian for the microfinance community, the 1,330 microfinance institutions that report to it lend to 57 million people worldwide. Microfinance Institutions The Microcredit Summit, an advocacy organization, casts a wider net, including quasiformal providers like self-help group movements and some public-sector development banks. Microfinance Institutions Its 2007 report records 133 million active borrowers in 3,316 microfinance institutions. Microfinance Institutions ACCION International, as a promoter and developer of microfinance institutions, has come to inclusive finance through the microfinance movement. Microfinance Institutions There are good reasons to learn from and connect with microfinance, in addition to the fact that it already reaches tens of millions of clients. Microfinance Institutions First, leading microfinance institutions show how inclusive finance can be profitable. Consider Mibanco in Peru. Most of its 250,000 clients are women, including Delia, profiled in the previous Lecture. Microfinance Institutions For clients like Delia, Mibanco provides a full suite of services including Micapital (working capital for her shop), Micasa (which helped her build the rooms she rents), and Chasqui (a fast-cash loan named after the swift-running messengers of the Inca Empire). Microfinance Institutions In 2007, Mibanco had a loan portfolio of $500 million, with an average loan size near $1,700. Its return on equity was 37 percent, making it one of the more profitable banks in Peru. Microfinance Institutions Equity Bank is a Kenyan commercial bank focused on microfinance. It boasts over a .