Lecture 12 - Products for the bop market (con't). The following will be discussed in this chapter: Products for the bop market; three products: insurance, housing; finance, and remittances; managing informality risk; building the industry. | Summary of Last Lecture Designing Effective Products PRODUCTS FOR THE BOP MARKET A Warning: Disruptive Entrants When mainstream financial-services providers ignore large markets, they provide an opening for other players. “Disruptive” entrants from the nonfinancial world may step in because they need to ensure that their customers have access to finance for their products. A Warning: Disruptive Entrants Consumer goods retailers are a classic example, and in the next lecture we will see a cement company (CEMEX) and a land developer (ARGOZ) involved in finance for this reason. A Warning: Disruptive Entrants Nonfinancial companies may enter because they are already dealing with customers and can turn their infrastructure, customer knowledge, and brand name into a significant market advantage. The Innovation Premium To offset the added cost of designing and delivering products and services for the grassroots, many are saying that the process stimulates out-of-the-box thinking in stagnant | Summary of Last Lecture Designing Effective Products PRODUCTS FOR THE BOP MARKET A Warning: Disruptive Entrants When mainstream financial-services providers ignore large markets, they provide an opening for other players. “Disruptive” entrants from the nonfinancial world may step in because they need to ensure that their customers have access to finance for their products. A Warning: Disruptive Entrants Consumer goods retailers are a classic example, and in the next lecture we will see a cement company (CEMEX) and a land developer (ARGOZ) involved in finance for this reason. A Warning: Disruptive Entrants Nonfinancial companies may enter because they are already dealing with customers and can turn their infrastructure, customer knowledge, and brand name into a significant market advantage. The Innovation Premium To offset the added cost of designing and delivering products and services for the grassroots, many are saying that the process stimulates out-of-the-box thinking in stagnant industries—innovation that trickles upmarket, even if the specific innovations themselves have limited applicability beyond the BOP. The Innovation Premium As Christopher Beshouri, writing in McKinsey Quarterly, points out, “Some of the factors that raise the cost of serving poor consumers are actually acute forms of challenges that businesses confront across all consumer segments.” Mind the Gap: Services That Are Not Being Provided New ideas for BOP product design come from identifying the service gaps. According to statistics on access to financial services, the vast majority of people enjoy very limited choices: a rigid group loan or a single savings account. Mind the Gap: Services That Are Not Being Provided Consumer lending and microfinance have historically focused on credit. Microfinance typically measures its success by counting borrowers, and, in this respect, its 60 to 130 million worldwide borrowers represent an important achievement. But for other financial services the .