(BQ) The book focuses on the needs and responsibilities of accountants as end users of systems, systems designers, and auditors. This edition provides complete integrated coverage of Sarbanes-Oxley as it affects internal controls and other relevant topics affected by this legislation, as well as reorganized discussion of transaction cycles that make the balance between manual- and computer-based systems more apparent. | To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit 01234567 89 9 9 9 9 9 89 9 a bcd e f g g h 9 g9 c c 9 i 89 g g 9 9 j9 k 9 9 lm i n l 9 g c g9j g c 9 9 9 9 9 g g 9 g 9 9 9 m i o c g 9 9 c 9 9 9 9 99 p 9 j g g9 qc m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zGEB {|} To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit yz{|}~ y } {} }~ ~ ~ { || {} y } 01234565 ! "# ! $ ! %! $ ! $ " &'()(*+, -(+(.+ ./''(.+0 $ 1 % % % 2 % $" : $ ! $ ; $ ! 1 $ "( >?>+(@>! &'()(*+ $ % $ % ; % % $ $ " A B C% $ ; $ ; $ % $ C $ % D $ ; .