(BQ) Part 2 book “Management science – The art of modeling with spreadsheets” has contents: Integer optimization, optimization of nonsmooth models, decision analysis, monte carlo simulation, optimization in simulation, optimization of network models. | 01 To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit 234564789 6 6 8 634 qrs !" # $% &!'%##!()"* "+ $%,%# #% !(*%' # !"#(!& & '-.& %#-&% !( %&(!& "'%/0!&%1 .%2 " $%3*4%& # "+5-*+% %1 .%!(6$ %&728% %#-&% %&(!& "'% " %& #!( ""-. &!) 2 "*! !" !8#-# !#% *4%& # "+%1 %"* -&%# " $%(!-&9-& %#! $ 8% '$ %4% $%:;: ""-. &!) / ?"6$ %&@28% " &!*-'%* (& %8!&A(! &%*#$%% ".B# # "8$ '$ ! !"&% &%#%" #!"%!( $%$ +$%&C!&*%&.%4%.#!( ".B# #2+%"%&B'! "+ ( %& ,#%'#%$#,%%"%# ,. #$%*2#! %8$ C (9-%# !"#$4%,%%"%1 .!&%*2 "* %&$ ##! %,'AC#!.4 "+'.'-. !"#$4%,%%" *%/?" $ #'$ %&28%D ##- % $ $%# % # " $ (& %8!&A$4% .&%*B,%%"'&& %*!- /E!8%4%&2 $% %" &%(& %8!&A*!%#"! "%'%##& .B .B !%4%&B# &%*#$%% !*%./F$%&% &% # &%*#$%% # $ *!"! .%"* $% #%.4%# !! !"/?"#! % !*%.#2(!& %1 .%2 $% -& !#% # !%1 .!&% # &%. !"#$ #!& !(!&%'# (- -&%!- '! %#/ 5- "+% "* ".B# #+%"%&B-#% !*%.# "!&*%& !=:GHIJK(- -&%! %&C !"#/L%&%(%& ! $%.%4% $%B-#% !,& "+ ,!- &!4%* %&(!& "'% #MNOPQPRS TUVPUWXNQ/?( $%&% &%*%' # !"4& ,.%# " !*%.2 #" -&. ! #A8$ $%YKZ[ !( $!#%4& ,.%# &%/F$% %#-&%!( %&(!& "'% $ *%)"%#!-&"! !"!( \\,%# DD #'%* $%RW]NO^PTN_`SO^PRS2! .B $%RW]NO^PTN/ "'%8%$4%# %' )%* $%!,a%' 4% " !*%.2 #.#!" -&. ! #A8$ $%,%# !( $ !,a%' 4% #/ F$ #'$ %&%1 .!&%# "#! %*% .$!8 ! "#8%& $%#%9-%# !"#,B,- .* "+ "* ".B "+! !" !*%.#/ !"&%(%,! $ ! $%+!.!()"* "+ $%,%# !( $%*%' # !" 4& ,.%# "* ! #% !( &!'%*-&%# $ ''! . #$ $ +!./F$%#% &!'%*-&%# &% A"!8" #UXbRVP^cdQ "* &%-#-B .% %" %*,B#!( 8 &%/?" $%'#%!(e1'%.2 $%! !"#!( 8 &% #A"!8" #fRXTNV/34% !"!(g!.4%&h&%(%&&%* ! # $% g "*&*g!.4%&i #,- . " !%4%&B'! B!(e1'%./?" $ #,!!A28%-#%jPQkfRXTNV lXU^_RVd28$ '$'!" "# !&% *4"'%*! !"' , . B $" $%g "*&* g!.4%& "e1'%./m #Ag!.4%&n. (!& # 4 .,.% !-#%!( $ #,!!A "*#$!-.*,% "# %*,%(!&% &!'%%* "+8 $ $ #'$ %&/? # $ ##!( 8 &% $ 8%&%(%& ! .