We shall cover in summary: Information and MIS, top is job, strategic uses of IT, IS planning, distributive systems, managing telecommunications, managing information resources, managing operations, technologies for developing systems, management issues in system development, system for supporting knowledge based work, data warehousing/data mining, knowledge management, supporting collaboration, challenges ahead, a networked business. | Summary Lecture 32 Today’s Lecture We shall cover in summary Information and MIS Top is Job Strategic uses of IT IS Planning Distributive Systems Managing Telecommunications Managing Information Resources Today’s Lecture Managing Operations Technologies for Developing Systems Management Issues in System Development System for supporting Knowledge Based Work Data Warehousing/ Data Mining Knowledge Management Supporting Collaboration Challenges Ahead A Networked Business 3 Information and MIS Information is based upon processed, useful, meaningful facts and figures which any organizing keeps to run its daily business. Information systems are software’s which are there to run organizational business. Management of Information system is being changed with the introduction of Chief Information Officer. Importance of IS Management Top is Job Responsibilities of the CIO consist of Understand the business Establish credibility of the IS department Develop a competent IS staff and IT-savvy . | Summary Lecture 32 Today’s Lecture We shall cover in summary Information and MIS Top is Job Strategic uses of IT IS Planning Distributive Systems Managing Telecommunications Managing Information Resources Today’s Lecture Managing Operations Technologies for Developing Systems Management Issues in System Development System for supporting Knowledge Based Work Data Warehousing/ Data Mining Knowledge Management Supporting Collaboration Challenges Ahead A Networked Business 3 Information and MIS Information is based upon processed, useful, meaningful facts and figures which any organizing keeps to run its daily business. Information systems are software’s which are there to run organizational business. Management of Information system is being changed with the introduction of Chief Information Officer. Importance of IS Management Top is Job Responsibilities of the CIO consist of Understand the business Establish credibility of the IS department Develop a competent IS staff and IT-savvy users Create a vision and sell it Implement an information system architecture Foster relationships Savvy = know how 6 Top is Job IT Department is headed towards, Reducing Costs Leveraging Investments Enhancing Products and Services Enhancing Executive Decision Making Reaching the Consumer Strategic uses of IT Over the years, a few innovative companies have achieved strategic advantage using IT. These firms served as models of what could be done, but most companies did not have the resources or skills to follow their example. Strategic uses of IT With the growth of the Internet and the development of online business, IT has become a strategic tool in every industry. As their employees become dispersed, enterprises are looking for ways to bring cohesion. Intranets and portals are ways to use IT strategically inside the firm. Strategic uses of IT In working outward, enterprises are creating electronic tenders to provide services that make their products more valuable and help them better .