The following will be discussed in this chapter: Ambiguous grammars, precedence and associativity to resolve conflicts, the "dangling-else" ambiguity, error recovery in LR parsing, syntax-directed translation, syntax-directed definitions, inherited and synthesized attributes, evaluating an SDD at the nodes of a parse tree. | LESSON 24 Overview of Previous Lesson(s) Over View 3 Debugger A program that controls the execution of program code in such a way that we can step through the source code one line at a time, or run to a particular point in the program. Over View 4 Debugger Local Debugging Debugging process and the source code are deployed on the same machine. Remote Debugging Source program is running on a separate machine and the debugging takes place on an isolated box Over View 5 Debugger A breakpoint is a point in our program where the debugger automatically suspends execution when in debugging mode. A trace-point is a special kind of breakpoint that has a custom action associated with it. Over View assert() library function is used, that is declared in the cassert header to check logical conditions Assertions in C++/ CLI programs The static Assert() function in the Debug and Trace classes provides an assertion capability in CLR programs. 6 Over View C++/CLI classes for debugging The Debug and Assert classes defined in the System::Diagnostics namespace provide functions for Tracing execution Generating debugging output in CLR programs. 7 TODAY’S LESSON Contents Windows programming basics Elements of a window Windows Programs and the Operating System Event - Driven Programs Windows Messages The Windows API Windows Data Types Notation in Windows Program Structure of a Windows Program 9 Windows Programming Concepts In this portion we will discuss basic ideas that are involved in every Windows program in C++. Develop a program that uses the Windows operating system API directly. Gives us understanding how a Windows application works behinds the scenes. Microsoft Foundation Classes, known as the MFC. Windows Forms 10 Windows Programming Basics Visual C++ provides us with 3 basic ways of creating an interactive Windows application Using the Windows API This is the fundamental interface that the Windows operating system provides for communications between itself and the . | LESSON 24 Overview of Previous Lesson(s) Over View 3 Debugger A program that controls the execution of program code in such a way that we can step through the source code one line at a time, or run to a particular point in the program. Over View 4 Debugger Local Debugging Debugging process and the source code are deployed on the same machine. Remote Debugging Source program is running on a separate machine and the debugging takes place on an isolated box Over View 5 Debugger A breakpoint is a point in our program where the debugger automatically suspends execution when in debugging mode. A trace-point is a special kind of breakpoint that has a custom action associated with it. Over View assert() library function is used, that is declared in the cassert header to check logical conditions Assertions in C++/ CLI programs The static Assert() function in the Debug and Trace classes provides an assertion capability in CLR programs. 6 Over View C++/CLI classes for debugging The .