This chapter presents the following content: Inequality across countries; poverty, Inequality, and GNP per capita; the growth controversy: seven critical questions; the growth controversy: seven critical questions; measuring inequality and poverty; the greater the curvature of the lorenz line, the greater the relative degree of inequality;. | Poverty, Inequality, and Development Lecture 29 Poverty across countries Country (in order of increasing GNP per capita) % of Population below $1 a day Bangladesh Kenya Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Jamaica Paraguay Costa Rica Malaysia The Growth Controversy: Seven Critical Questions Inequality and poverty need to be defined carefully if we want to Compare countries to each other; . | Poverty, Inequality, and Development Lecture 29 Poverty across countries Country (in order of increasing GNP per capita) % of Population below $1 a day Bangladesh Kenya Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Jamaica Paraguay Costa Rica Malaysia <2 Brazil Inequality across countries Country (in order of increasing GNP per capita) The Poorest 40% get % of income Ratio of Highest 20% to lowest 20% Bangladesh Kenya Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Jamaica Paraguay Costa Rica Malaysia Brazil United States But careful ! In these surveys, both the very poor and the very rich and underrepresented. But careful ! In these surveys, both the very poor and the very rich and underrepresented. But careful ! In these surveys, both the very poor and the very rich and underrepresented. Poverty, Inequality, and GNP per capita There’s no simple relation between .