Lecture Web technologies and programming – Lecture 27: Retrieving data, delete, update from database. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Retrieving data from MySQL using PHP, connections: login functionality, deleting records in MySQL using PHP, updating records in MySQL using PHP. | 1 CIIT-Human Computer Interaction-CSC456-Fall-2015-Mr. Tehseen Riaz Abbasi 1 2 3 3 Creating database in MySQL using WAMP Connecting PHP with MySQL Inserting data in database CONNECTIONS: user registration FILES super global variable File uploading in PHP Storing reference of uploaded file in database User registration in CONNECTIONS web application with file upload 4 Retrieving data from MySQL using PHP CONNECTIONS: login functionality Deleting records in MySQL using PHP Updating records in MySQL using PHP 5 Connection with database Execute Select SQL command Make display structure Write data 6 7 8 The SELECT statement is used to select data from one or more tables: SELECT command in SQL: SELECT column-name FROM table-name SELECT user_Name FROM users SELECT * FROM users 9 Condition selection: SELECT column-name FROM table-name WHERE condition SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_Id>4 10 11 Counting rows: mysql_num_rows(variable); 12 User Name User Email User Password User Picture 13 mysql_fetch_array(result-resource); mysql_fetch_array($result); 14 $result= $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 1 Ali ali@ 123 upload/ 2 Umar umar@ 123 upload/ $row= 1 Ali ali@ 123 upload/ user_Id user_Name user_Email user_Password user_Picture 0 4 1 2 3 echo $row [1]; echo $row[‘user_Name’]; 15 User Name User Email User . | 1 CIIT-Human Computer Interaction-CSC456-Fall-2015-Mr. Tehseen Riaz Abbasi 1 2 3 3 Creating database in MySQL using WAMP Connecting PHP with MySQL Inserting data in database CONNECTIONS: user registration FILES super global variable File uploading in PHP Storing reference of uploaded file in database User registration in CONNECTIONS web application with file upload 4 Retrieving data from MySQL using PHP CONNECTIONS: login functionality Deleting records in MySQL using PHP Updating records in MySQL using PHP 5 Connection with database Execute Select SQL command Make display structure Write data 6 7 8 The SELECT statement is used to select data from one or more tables: SELECT command in SQL: SELECT column-name FROM table-name SELECT user_Name FROM users SELECT * FROM users 9 Condition selection: SELECT column-name FROM table-name WHERE condition .