Any software system is a service. A good service must satisfy the user's expectations. From the user's viewpoint, the first impression of a software system is its user interface (UI). Due to the fact that any software system should accept inputs, conduct computations, and display outputs, the user interface mainly performs two functions. | SOFTWARE DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE LECTURE 16 Review Component Based Architecture Outline Interface Design Styles of interfaces Design Considerations Evaluation of Design Interface Design The architecture of user interfaces supports its look and feel and usability aspects. The evolution from textual user interfaces to graphical user interfaces can give us an idea about why the look and feel and the usability came to be. Interface Design A user interface itself, especially the graphical user interface, is sophisticated software. It needs codes not only for displaying, arranging, and laying out all buttons, labels, and components but also for linking these elements in the user interface with the internal functions of the software. Interface Design Many programming languages, such as Visual Basic, Java, etc., provide built-in components and layout managers for implementing user interfaces. Many IDEs support drag-and-drop metaphors for making the implementation of graphical user interfaces | SOFTWARE DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE LECTURE 16 Review Component Based Architecture Outline Interface Design Styles of interfaces Design Considerations Evaluation of Design Interface Design The architecture of user interfaces supports its look and feel and usability aspects. The evolution from textual user interfaces to graphical user interfaces can give us an idea about why the look and feel and the usability came to be. Interface Design A user interface itself, especially the graphical user interface, is sophisticated software. It needs codes not only for displaying, arranging, and laying out all buttons, labels, and components but also for linking these elements in the user interface with the internal functions of the software. Interface Design Many programming languages, such as Visual Basic, Java, etc., provide built-in components and layout managers for implementing user interfaces. Many IDEs support drag-and-drop metaphors for making the implementation of graphical user interfaces easier. Look and Feel (Syntax) of User Interfaces The design and implementation of the look and feel are based on the belief that most humans know how to appreciate artwork. In general, graphical user interfaces have three styles: static, dynamic, and customizable. Static style Static Style of User Interfaces The static style of user interfaces refers to those user interfaces that have statically “prefixed” components and compositions. Example Windows calculator Static Style The components used on the user interface include button, radio button. Static Style The frequently used digits and commands are in the right-hand column. The infrequently used commands, including scientific, statistic, and memory access commands, are in the left-hand column. The digits [0-9] are grouped into a panel that is almost the same as the digit panels on other popular devices like phones. Static Style The architecture provides context for the content and tells us what we can do. The architecture also .