Lecture Software construction - Lab 1: Introduction to Eclipse. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Eclipse background, obtaining and installing eclipse, creating a workspaces/projects, creating classes, compiling and running code, debugging code, sampling of features. | Software Construction Lab 1 Introduction to Eclipse Introduction to Eclipse Overview Eclipse Background Obtaining and Installing Eclipse Creating a Workspaces / Projects Creating Classes Compiling and Running Code Debugging Code Sampling of Features Summary What is Eclipse? Eclipse started as a proprietary IBM product (IBM Visual age for Smalltalk/Java) Embracing the open source model IBM opened the product up Open Source It is a general purpose open platform that facilitates and encourages the development of third party plug-ins Best known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Provides tools for coding, building, running and debugging applications Originally designed for Java, now supports many other languages Good support for C, C++ Python, PHP, Ruby, etc Prerequisites for Running Eclipse Eclipse is written in Java and will thus need an installed JRE or JDK in which to execute JDK recommended Obtaining Eclipse Eclipse can be downloaded from . | Software Construction Lab 1 Introduction to Eclipse Introduction to Eclipse Overview Eclipse Background Obtaining and Installing Eclipse Creating a Workspaces / Projects Creating Classes Compiling and Running Code Debugging Code Sampling of Features Summary What is Eclipse? Eclipse started as a proprietary IBM product (IBM Visual age for Smalltalk/Java) Embracing the open source model IBM opened the product up Open Source It is a general purpose open platform that facilitates and encourages the development of third party plug-ins Best known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Provides tools for coding, building, running and debugging applications Originally designed for Java, now supports many other languages Good support for C, C++ Python, PHP, Ruby, etc Prerequisites for Running Eclipse Eclipse is written in Java and will thus need an installed JRE or JDK in which to execute JDK recommended Obtaining Eclipse Eclipse can be downloaded from Be sure to grab “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers” Eclipse comes bundled as a zip file (Windows) or a tarball (all other operating systems) Installing Eclipse Simply unwrap the zip file to some directory where you want to store the executables On windows I typically unwrap the zip file to C:\eclipse\ I then typically create a shortcut on my desktop to the eclipse executable C:\eclipse\ Under Linux I typically unwrap to /opt/eclipse/ Launching Eclipse Once you have the environment setup, go ahead and launch eclipse You should see the following splash screen Selecting a Workspace In Eclipse, all of your code will live under a workspace A workspace is nothing more than a location where we will store our source code and where Eclipse will write out our preferences Eclipse allows you to have multiple workspaces – each tailored in its own way Choose a location where you want to store your files, then click OK Welcome to Eclipse The first time you launch Eclipse, you .