Chapter 12 - Global marketing management: Planning and organization. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: How global marketing management differs from international marketing management, the need for planning to achieve company goals, the important factors for each alternative marketentry strategy, the increasing importance of international strategic alliances. | International Marketing 15th edition Philip R. Cateora, Mary C. Gilly, and John L. Graham Global Marketing Management The trend back toward localization Caused by the new efficiencies of customization Made possible by the Internet Increasingly flexible manufacturing processes From the marketing perspective customization is always best Global markets continue to homogenize and diversify simultaneously Best companies will avoid trap of focusing on country as the primary segmentation variable Roy Philip Benefits of Global Marketing When large market segments can be identified Economies of scale in production and marketing Important competitive advantages for global companies Transfer of experience and know-how Across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities Marketing globally Ensures that marketers have access to the toughest customers Market diversity carries with it additional financial benefits Firms are able to take advantage of changing financial circumstances Roy Philip International Planning Process Roy Philip Exhibit Alternative Market-Entry Strategies (1 of 2) An entry strategy into international market should reflect on analysis Market characteristics Potential sales Strategic importance Strengths of local resources Cultural differences Country restrictions Company capabilities and characteristics Degree of near-market knowledge Marketing involvement Management commitment Roy Philip Alternative Market-Entry Strategies Roy Philip Exhibit Companies most often begin with modest export involvement A company has four different modes of foreign market entry Exporting Contractual agreements Strategic international alliances Direct foreign investments Alternative Market-Entry Strategies (2 of 2) Roy Philip Contractual Agreement (1 of 2) Contractual agreements Long-term, Nonequity association between a company and another in a foreign market Licensing A means of . | International Marketing 15th edition Philip R. Cateora, Mary C. Gilly, and John L. Graham Global Marketing Management The trend back toward localization Caused by the new efficiencies of customization Made possible by the Internet Increasingly flexible manufacturing processes From the marketing perspective customization is always best Global markets continue to homogenize and diversify simultaneously Best companies will avoid trap of focusing on country as the primary segmentation variable Roy Philip Benefits of Global Marketing When large market segments can be identified Economies of scale in production and marketing Important competitive advantages for global companies Transfer of experience and know-how Across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities Marketing globally Ensures that marketers have access to the toughest customers Market diversity carries with it additional financial benefits Firms are able to take advantage of .