The following strategy is used to reconstruct the strange hyperon Ω. In the LHCb experiment, the hadrons p, π and K are identified by the RICH detector with PT threshold > 100 MeV. Only Lambda particles (from channel Λ → p + π) with PT > 500 MeV are chosen to combine with kaon daughter particle in order to reconstruct a strange hyperon Ω. The reconstructed particles are accepted as Ω candidates in the case it satisfies several criteria such as its invariance mass must be located within the window mass ±50 MeV/c2 around the nominal value. | Communications in Physics, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2017), pp. 91-96 DOI: HYPERON Ω PRODUCTION IN pp COLLISIONS AT ENERGY 8 TeV NGUYEN THI DUNG1,† , NGUYEN MAU CHUNG1 AND TRAN MINH TAM2 of Physics, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Ecole ´ Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1 Faculty † E-mail: Received 27 February 2017 Accepted for publication 31 March 2017 Abstract. Because strange quark produced copiously in pp collisions, strange hyperon production is one of the ideal tools to investigate the hadronization process and baryon transport theory. We are especially interested in the hyperon Ω production because this baryon contents only √ strange quark. Our new studies of the pure strange hyperon Ω produced in pp collision at s = 8 TeV are shown in this report. The following strategy is used to reconstruct the strange hyperon Ω. In the LHCb experiment, the hadrons p, π and K are identified by the RICH detector with PT threshold > 100 MeV. Only Lambda particles (from channel Λ → p + π) with PT > 500 MeV are chosen to combine with kaon daughter particle in order to reconstruct a strange hyperon Ω. The reconstructed particles are accepted as Ω candidates in the case it satisfies several criteria such as its invariance mass must be located within the window mass ±50 MeV/c2 around the nominal value. More than 63 millions selected events are used for this analysis and about 8100 hyperon Ω candidates are reconstructed. Keywords: Hyperon Ω, strange production. Classification numbers: . I. INTRODUCTION Besides main study purpose about B physics of LHCb experiment, strange quark production also is an interest subject because it allows to verify the process happening in the collision. The measurements of hyperons productions or of the anti-hyperons to hyperons ratio can be used to constrain theories, particularly the transport of baryon number from pp .