The strengths of the (GT)± transitions were compared up to the excitation energy of MeV. A good agreement was observed for two strong transitions to MeV and MeV states, while a disagreement about 45% was observed for a weaker transition to MeV low-lying state. | Communications in Physics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (2012), pp. 91-96 DETERMINATION OF GT-TRANSITION STRENGTHS IN A = 34 ISOBARS USING CHARGE EXCHANGE (3 HE, t) REACTION NGUYEN TUAN KHAI AND BUI DUY LINH Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology TRAN DUC THIEP Institute of Physics, VAST , T. ADACHI, H. FUJITA AND Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki 567-0047, Japan Abstract. Under the assumption that isospin T is a good quantum number, mirror transitions Tz = +1 → 0 and Tz = −1 → 0 were studied in A = 34 isobars, where Tz is z component of iospin T and is defined by Tz = (N − Z)/2. With a high energy resolution of 35 keV in 34 S(3 He,t)34 Cl reaction measurement at 0◦ scattering angle and at an incident energy of 140 MeV/nucleon, strengths of Fermi and Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions from the J π = 0+ , Tz = +1 ground state of 34 S to the J π = 1+ , Tz = 0 excited states in 34 Cl were determined up to excitation energy (Ex ) of MeV. The corresponding isospin-symmetric transitions connecting Tz = −1 and Tz = 0 states can be studied in the 34 Ar β + decay. The strengths of the (GT)± transitions were compared up to the excitation energy of MeV. A good agreement was observed for two strong transitions to MeV and MeV states, while a disagreement about 45% was observed for a weaker transition to MeV low-lying state. I. INTRODUCTION If the charge-symmetric and charge-dependent characteristics were assumed with relatively small effect of electromagnetic interaction, then the interactions between protonproton, neutron-neutron and proton-neutron are identical [1,3]. In this case, isospin T is a suitable tool to study structure of isobars. Moreover, the isobaric nuclei with the same mass number A and different Tz are expected to exhibit a mirror-symmetrical structure. Due to the analogous nature the corresponding states in isobars are called isobaric analog states (or simply analog states) and are expected to have