Integral model is simple in utilization, low in CPU time calculation, suitable for a lot of practical applications of turbulent diffusion jet. . However the assessment of accuracy of the model should be carried out by experimental data and by results of available multidirectional codes. The present paper shows the comparison of velocity profiles given by the integral model and the CFD FLUENT Code. The difference in results given by the two models is lower than 10% when Reynolds number at the exit nozzle below 5000. | Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST , Vol. 27, No. 1 (2005), pp. 51 - 58 COMPARISON OF V ELOCITY DISTRBUTION IN TURBULENT DIFFUSION JET GIVEN BY THE INTEGRAL MODEL AND CODE CFD FLUENT BUI VAN GA 1 , PHAM THI KIM LOAN1, NHAN HONG QUANG 2 1 2 Danang University National Institute of Labour Protection Abstract. Integral model is simple in utilization, low in CPU time calculation, suitable for a lot of practical applications of turbulent diffusion jet. . However the assessment of accuracy of the model should be carried out by experimental data and by results of available multidirectional codes. The present paper shows the comparison of velocity profiles given by the integral model and the CFD FLUENT Code. The difference in results given by the two models is lower than 10% when Reynolds number at the exit nozzle below 5000. 1. INTRODUCTION Diffusion turbulent jet has many engineering applications . Studies of turbulent jet formerly were carried out mainly by basing on the experimental measurements. And the essential rules drawn from these studies have had great practical applications to industry, especially in the field of internal combustion engine. In recent years, making use of the rapid development of information technologies, problems in diffusion turbulent jet have been resolved comprehensively by lots of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes. The jet evolution in many different conditions has been fully understood even in the special cases that empirical measurements had many difficulties or were unable to be carried out in the past. However, such codes are often very complicated, demanding intensive calculating expenses and sometimes not suitable to the practical applications. The urgent need to make out simple solver effectively supporting studies of diffusion turbulent jet has led to preliminary called integral model. This model requires to be established based on the system of integral equations that describe the variation of physical scalars .