This paper presents some numerical results of calculating the currents induced by wind and waves and bed morphology evolution at Phan Ri - Binh Thuan coastal zone for two typical cases of wind: NE and SW monsoons. | Vietnam Journalof Mechanics, VAST, Vol. 27, No. 2 (2005), pp. 96 - 106 TWO DIMENSION NUMERICAL MODELING OF WAVE AND WIND INDUCED CURRENTS AND BED MORPHOLOGY EVOLUTION AT PHAN RI - BINH THUAN COASTAL ZONE LE XUAN ROAN, PHAM THANH NAM Institute of Mechanics Abstract . Based on the 2DH model for calculating the wave induced currents, established by Christopher G. Koutitas [l], a 2DH numerical model for calculating the wave and wind induced currents (current-model) is developed with taking additional account of shear stress due to wind and eddy viscosity components. A 2DH numerical model for calculating the sediment transport and bed morphology evolution (sand-model) is developed and linked to the above current- model. The wave parameters used for the input of the models are obtained from t he RCPWAVE model. This paper presents some numerical results of calculating the currents induced by wind and waves and bed morphology evolution at Phan Ri - Binh Thuan coastal zone for two typical cases of wind: NE and SW monsoons. 1. INTRODUCTION Calculation of the sediment transport and prediction of the bed morphology evolution as well as shoreline evolution are very essential for engineering and sustainable development in littoral economic zones. Sediment transport, bed and shoreline evolution are complex phenomena caused by many hydrodynamic processes in coastal zones such as sea water level changing (tide, typhoon surge . ), wave, tidal current, wind-induced current , waveinduced current and river flow. Therefore, calculating the wave and current parameters must be done before calculating the sediment transport, bed and shoreline evolution. The procedures of calculation include: - Calculating the wave parameters and wave radiation stresses using the RCPWAVE model. - Calculating the current induced by wind and wave using the current-model. - Calculating sediment transport and bed morphology evolution using the sand-model. 2. G OV ERNING EQUATIONS . RCPWAVE m o .