Broadly defined, Electronic Government (e-Government) is the use of ICT: - to promote more efficient and effective government’s activities, - to facilitate accessibility to government services, - to allow greater public access to information, and - to make government more accountable to citizens. e-Government involves delivering services via the Internet, telephone, electronic media, community centers (self-service or facilitated by others), wireless devices or other communications systems | E-GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Salvator NIYIBIZI DIRECTOR E-GOV RITA CONTENT INTRODUCTION SITUATION ANALYSIS CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS AND CAUSE OF FAILURE LOGICAL FRAMEWORK AND E-GOV PROJECTS CONCLUSION (Con’d) Broadly defined, Electronic Government (e-Government) is the use of ICT: - to promote more efficient and effective government’s activities, - to facilitate accessibility to government services, - to allow greater public access to information, and - to make government more accountable to citizens. e-Government involves delivering services via the Internet, telephone, electronic media, community centers (self-service or facilitated by others), wireless devices or other communications systems (Con’d) e-Government as a driver of growth and development can help in the realization of the PRSP within Vision 2020 . Particularly, e-Government will inter alia: improve services and convenience to citizens; improve the productivity (and efficiency) of . | E-GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Salvator NIYIBIZI DIRECTOR E-GOV RITA CONTENT INTRODUCTION SITUATION ANALYSIS CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS AND CAUSE OF FAILURE LOGICAL FRAMEWORK AND E-GOV PROJECTS CONCLUSION (Con’d) Broadly defined, Electronic Government (e-Government) is the use of ICT: - to promote more efficient and effective government’s activities, - to facilitate accessibility to government services, - to allow greater public access to information, and - to make government more accountable to citizens. e-Government involves delivering services via the Internet, telephone, electronic media, community centers (self-service or facilitated by others), wireless devices or other communications systems (Con’d) e-Government as a driver of growth and development can help in the realization of the PRSP within Vision 2020 . Particularly, e-Government will inter alia: improve services and convenience to citizens; improve the productivity (and efficiency) of government agencies; create a more accountable government; increase transparency and fight corruption; ANALYSIS Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats . Strengths -There is a political will in support of ICT -The national ICT Policy:NICI II -There are some legislative and regulatory framework -There is supportive tax on ICT equipments -Mobile tele-density and internet usage is improving at impressive/high rate -ICT in schools,universities and other institutions is improving . Weaknesses Difficulties in attracting, recruiting and retaining skilled ICT personnel Inadequate budgetary allocations and poor prioritization. Erratic and unstable power supply. Most of rural communities do not have electricity. Most of the offices are not networked and interconnected through LAN/WAN Insufficient number of ICT equipments including computers. Some Ministries do not have PABXs . Weaknesses(con’d) Most used computers are mainly utilized. They are mainly used as