К, our clever detective, has three important questions: X murdered Sir Michael Gray, so 1 How Aid X murder Sir Michael? 2 Who was X? 3 Why did X murder Sir Michael? Katrina Kirby is a detective, but people call her 'K'. She wants to find the answers to these important questions. This is her first case. Can you help her? This is a detective story with a difference. We invite you, the reader, to help К solve the case. | Introduction K our clever detective has three important questions X murdered Sir Michael Gray so 1 How AidX murder Sir Michael 2 Who was X 3 Why didX murder Sir Michael Katrina Kirby is a detective but people call her K . She wants to find the answers to these important questions. This is her first case. Can you help her This is a detective story with a difference. We invite you the reader to help K solve the case. There has been a murder in a big country house in England. One of five people murdered Sir Michael Gray. Sir Michael Gray was in his study at the time of the murder. The study was locked from the inside. The window was locked from the inside too but someone murdered him. Who did it How Why Louis Alexander was bom in London in 1932. He completed his studies at London University in 1954 and then taught English as a Foreign Language in a number of different countries. He is best known as the writer of English language courses like Aew Concept English 1967 Look Listen and Learn 1971 Follow Me 1980 and Direct English 1993-1998 practice books like For and Against 1968 grammars like the Longman English Grammar 1988 and readers like Dangerous Game also a Penguin Reader . He and his wife Julia live in London. The people in the story This is a murder story. This man was murdered. His name was Sir Michael Gray. He was fifty-five years old. He was very rich. He was the boss of Cavell and Company. Look at this woman. She is young and pretty and she is very clever. She is a detective. Her name is Katrina Kirby. People call her K . She wants to find the answers to some important questions. This is her first case. Can you help her K our clever detective has three important questions X murdered Sir Michael Gray so 1 How did X murder Sir Michael 2 Who was X 3 Why did X murder Sir Michael HOW. . . WHO. . WHY. . Who was X There was a murder. There were five other people in the house a the time. One of them was X. Who was it Lady Elizabeth Gray Sir Michael s wife. She is .