Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 1: Bonding. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Bond strength and length, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, equilibria, gibbs free energy, equilibria and free energy, reaction rate,.and other contents. | Rachmaninov Organic Chemistry: The Chemistry Of Carbon 1 Chemistry 3 The (a) view of your existence. hell 8/13/2015 2 © University of California I,too,started small Peter Vollhardt University of California at Berkeley The Fun of Organic Chemistry Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires, 1952 Organic Chemicals More Chemicals Mmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh!!!! Public Fear Of Chemistry The Obsession With “Natural” Hello ???! Nature Is Vicious CHEMICAL HIGHLIGHT 25-5 Nature Is Not Always Green: Natural Pesticides Many people believe that everything synthetic is somehow suspect and “bad,” and that all of nature’s chemicals are benign. As pointed out by Ames* and others, this is a misconception. While we have seen that, indeed, many manufactured chemicals have problems with toxicity and adverse effects on the environment, nature’s chemicals are not any different from synthetic ones. Nature has its own highly productive laboratory, which puts out compounds by the millions, many of which are highly toxic, such | Rachmaninov Organic Chemistry: The Chemistry Of Carbon 1 Chemistry 3 The (a) view of your existence. hell 8/13/2015 2 © University of California I,too,started small Peter Vollhardt University of California at Berkeley The Fun of Organic Chemistry Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires, 1952 Organic Chemicals More Chemicals Mmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhh!!!! Public Fear Of Chemistry The Obsession With “Natural” Hello ???! Nature Is Vicious CHEMICAL HIGHLIGHT 25-5 Nature Is Not Always Green: Natural Pesticides Many people believe that everything synthetic is somehow suspect and “bad,” and that all of nature’s chemicals are benign. As pointed out by Ames* and others, this is a misconception. While we have seen that, indeed, many manufactured chemicals have problems with toxicity and adverse effects on the environment, nature’s chemicals are not any different from synthetic ones. Nature has its own highly productive laboratory, which puts out compounds by the millions, many of which are highly toxic, such as quite a few of the alkaloids found in plants. Consequently, there are numerous (sometimes lethal) cases of poisoning (especially of children) due to the accidental ingestion of plant material, the eating of green potatoes (exposed to sunlight, which increases their toxin level), the drinking of herbal teas, the consumption of “poison” mushrooms, and so forth. Abraham Lincoln’s mother died from drinking milk from a cow that had grazed on the toxic snakeroot plant. Green potatoes are toxic because of the presence of the alkaloid solanine. What is the purpose of these compounds in plant life? Plants cannot run away from predators and invading organisms, such as fungi, insects, animals, and humans, and they have no organs with which to defend themselves. Instead, they have developed an array of chemical weapons, “natural pesticides,” with which to mount an effective defense strategy. Tens of thousands of these chemicals are now known. They are either already present in the existing .