Chapter 2 - Perspectives on mass communication. In this chapter, you will learn to: understand the differences between the functional approach and the critical/cultural approach to studying mass communications; explain the value of each approach in the analysis of the mass communication process; describe the five functions mass media perform for society. | THE DYNAMICS OF MASS COMMUNCATION Joseph R. Dominick University of Georgia--Athens The Nature and History of Mass Communication Part I Chapter 2 Perspectives on Mass Communication Chapter Outline Paradigms for Study: Functional Analysis Functions of Mass Communication for society (macroanalytical) Functions of Mass Communication for Society (microanalytical) Critical / Cultural Perspective Paradigms for Study A paradigm is a model or pattern that a person uses to analyze something. Paradigms for Study Functional approach to mass communication How do people use it? What benefits do people receive from it? Critical/cultural approach to mass communication What are its power relationships? How do people interpret it? What does it mean to people? Paradigms for Study Example: Operation Iraqi Freedom March 19, 2003 War dominated media reporting for 6 weeks Functional perspective Why did people watch? What did they get out of it? Critical/cultural perspective Questions of objectivity Role of corporate ownership of the media Functional Analysis Two levels of analysis Macroanalysis “Wide-angle lens” What is the intention of the source? What is the purpose of the communication? Microanalysis “Close-up lens” What does the receiver receive? What does the receiver do with the communication? Functions of Mass Communication for Society (macroanalytical) Surveillance Warning example: weather reports and storm warnings Instrumental – example: stock market prices Consequences Speed of propagation of truth and error Most news is not verifiable by receiver Credibility and conferral Functions of Mass Communication for Society (macroanalytical) Interpretation Selective inclusion Express viewpoints and analysis Linkage Buyers and sellers – example: eBay Specialized communities – example: MMORPGs Individuals and experts Overreliance Functions of Mass Communication for Society (macroanalytical) Transmission of Values Also called socialization function Example: advertisements and motherhood | THE DYNAMICS OF MASS COMMUNCATION Joseph R. Dominick University of Georgia--Athens The Nature and History of Mass Communication Part I Chapter 2 Perspectives on Mass Communication Chapter Outline Paradigms for Study: Functional Analysis Functions of Mass Communication for society (macroanalytical) Functions of Mass Communication for Society (microanalytical) Critical / Cultural Perspective Paradigms for Study A paradigm is a model or pattern that a person uses to analyze something. Paradigms for Study Functional approach to mass communication How do people use it? What benefits do people receive from it? Critical/cultural approach to mass communication What are its power relationships? How do people interpret it? What does it mean to people? Paradigms for Study Example: Operation Iraqi Freedom March 19, 2003 War dominated media reporting for 6 weeks Functional perspective Why did people watch? What did they get out of it? Critical/cultural perspective Questions of objectivity Role of