(BQ) Part 1 book "Beginning android 2" has contents: The big picture, creating a skeleton application, employing basic widgets, working with containers, using selection widgets, getting fancy with lists, employing fancy widgets and containers,. and other contents. | CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK PANTONE 123 C SPOT MATTE BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS® Companion eBook Available Android 2 is an important release of the framework, so it’s important to get off to the best possible start when learning the ins and outs of Android 2 development. This book guides you on your journey to learning Android 2, pointing out what is possible and showing you how to turn those concepts into reality. From there, building practical and popular apps is a matter of time and creativity. Begin the journey toward your own successful Android 2 applications Android 2 Second, welcome to the new edition of this book, which now covers Android 2! Its purpose is to start you on your way to building compelling Android 2 applications, and to help you master the learning curve. Android 2 is a rich framework, which means that there is a lot of cool stuff for you to pick up along your journey in order to create the slickest, most useful apps you can imagine. Beginning F irst, welcome to the world of Android! As you have probably noticed, Android is rapidly growing; with the release of Android 2, many devices from various manufacturers are dotting the landscape. With millions of devices in the wild, and millions more on the way, those who get into the latest version of Android early will reap the benefits as the ecosystem continues to grow. Beginning Android 2 COMPANION eBOOK SEE LAST PAGE FOR DETAILS ON $10 eBOOK VERSION US $ ISBN 978-1-4302-2629-1 5 44 9 9 Murphy Mark L. Murphy Shelve in Mobile Computing SOURCE CODE ONLINE User level: Beginner 9 781430 226291 this print for content only—size & color not accurate Trim: x spine = " 416 page count Beginning Android 2 ■■■ Mark L. Murphy i Beginning Android 2 Copyright © 2010 by Mark L. Murphy All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, .