The objective of this study was to determine the influence of selected soil properties on the relative strength of individual soil aggregates against crushing forces. Soil aggregates were crushed between a flat surface and a flat plate connected to a pocket penetrometer. | Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (1999) 573-577 © TÜBİTAK Strength of Individual Soil Aggregates Against Crushing Forces II. Influence of Selected Soil Properties Taşkın ÖZTAŞ, Mustafa Y. CANPOLAT, Koray SÖNMEZ Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Erzurum-TURKEY Received: Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the influence of selected soil properties on the relative strength of individual soil aggregates against crushing forces. Soil aggregates were crushed between a flat surface and a flat plate connected to a pocket penetrometer. Significant relationships were found between dry-aggregate stability and the clay content, sand content, CEC and ESP of the soils studied. There was also a significant positive correlation between dry-aggregate stability and wet-aggregate stability (r=**). No significant relationships were found between dry-aggregate stability and silt content, organic matter content, CaCO 3 content or pH. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that clay content with ESP was a good predictor of dry-aggregate stability and accounted for to % of the variability in the dry-aggregate stability of the soils studied. Bireysel Toprak Agregatlarının Kırılmaya Karşı Dayanıklılıkları II. Bazı Toprak Özellikerinin Etkisi Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireysel toprak agregatlarının kırılmaya karşı olan dayanıklılıkları üzerine etki eden toprak özelliklerini belirlemektedir. Agregatlar düz bir zemin üzerinde buna paralel konumda ve cep penetrometresine sabitleştirilmiş bir plaka arasına konularak yavaş yavaş arttırılan basınç altında kırılmıştır. Toprakların kuru-agregat stabiliteleri ile kum içeriği, kil içeriği, KDK ve değişebilir Na yüzdesi (ESP) arasında önemli ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, toprakların kuru-agregat stabiliteleri ile ıslak eleme yoluyla belirlenen stabiliteleri arasında önemli pozitif bir ilişki kaydedilmiştir (r=**). Kuru-agregat stabilitesi ile toprakların silt içeriği, organik