The objective of this experiment was to determine the rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of plant residues in soil under laboratory conditions. The experiment consisted of six treatments: control, industrial tobacco residues, rice straw, rice straw + mineral nitrogen, rice husks and rice husks+mineral nitrogen. | Turk J Agric For 24 (2000) 457–460 © TÜBİTAK Effects of Some Plant Residues on Nitrogen Mineralization and Biological Activity in Soils Emine Erman KARA Niğde University, Science-Education Faculty, Biology Department, 51100 Niğde-TURKEY Received: Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to determine the rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of plant residues in soil under laboratory conditions. The experiment consisted of six treatments: control, industrial tobacco residues, rice straw, rice straw + mineral nitrogen, rice husks and rice husks+mineral nitrogen. The plant materials were added at a rate of 2000 mg/kgC and the amount of NH4+-N completed the C:N ratio of the added materials to . After adding the plant material the following measurements were carried out: soil respiration measurements 14 times, dehydrogenase activity 14 times, mineral nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate). The results show that the C:N ratio was found to affect the net mineralization and nitrogen mineralization under the present conditions for decomposition of plant residues. Mineral nitrogen addition is conducive for short-term decomposition when the C:N ratio is large. Bazı Bitki Hasat Artıklarının Toprağın Biyolojik Aktivitesi ve Azot Mineralizasyonuna Etkisi Özet: Laboratuvar koşullarında yürütülen bu çalışmada, bitki hasat artıklarının toprağın azot mineralizasyonuna, toprağın biyolojik aktivitesina olan etkilerini ve bitki hasat artıklarının topraktaki ayrışma oranını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Deneme; kontrol, tütün’ün fabrikasyon atığı, çeltik anızı+mineral azot, çeltik kavuzu ve çeltik kavuzu+mineral azot olmak üzere 6 uygulama şeklinde düzenlenmiştir. Bitki hasat artıkları toprağa 2000 mgC/kg toprak olacak şekilde, mineral azot ise toprağa ilave edilen bitki materyalinin C:N oranını düzeyine getirecek şekilde hesaplanarak verilmiştir. Bitki hasat artıklarının toprağa karıştırılmasından sonra toprağa tarla kapasitesine getirilinceye kadar su .