The efficacy of boric acid (BA) was examined on liver marker enzymes in aluminum (Al)-treated rats. Also, a liver micronucleus assay was performed to evaluate the genotoxicity in hepatocytes. With these aims, SpragueDawley rats were randomly separated into 10 groups of 5 animals. | H. TÜRKEZ, F. GEYİKOĞLU, S. ÇOLAK Turk J Biol 35 (2011) 293-301 © TÜBİTAK doi: The protective effect of boric acid on aluminum-induced hepatotoxicity and genotoxicity in rats Hasan TÜRKEZ, Fatime GEYİKOĞLU, Suat ÇOLAK Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Atatürk University, 25240, Erzurum - TURKEY Received: Abstract: The efficacy of boric acid (BA) was examined on liver marker enzymes in aluminum (Al)-treated rats. Also, a liver micronucleus assay was performed to evaluate the genotoxicity in hepatocytes. With these aims, SpragueDawley rats were randomly separated into 10 groups of 5 animals. Aluminum chloride (5 mg/kg body weight (.) AlCl3) and BA (, 13, 36 and mg/kg .) alone were administered with injections to the experimental animals. Furthermore, the animals were also treated with Al for 4 consecutive days followed by BA exposure for 10 days. The rats were anesthetized after Al and BA injections and the levels of serum enzymes were determined. Hepatocytes were isolated for counting the number of micronucleated hepatocytes (MNHEPs). After exposure to Al, the enzymatic activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) significantly increased. Furthermore, this metal caused a significant increase in MNHEPs’ incidence. In contrast, the applications of BA doses did not cause any adverse effect on the above parameters. Moreover, pretreatments with BA significantly modulated the toxic effects of Al. Key words: Aluminum, boric acid, liver, micronucleus assay, rat, serum enzymes Sıçanda alüminyum ile uyarılmış hepatotoksisite ve genotoksisite üzerine borik asidin koruyucu etkisi Özet: Bu çalışmada, alüminyum ile muamele edilmiş sıçanlarda borik asitin (BA) karaciğer markör enzimleri üzerine etkisi incelendi. Ayrıca hepatositlerde genotoksiste değerlendirmesi için karaciğer mikronukleus testi uygulandı. Bu amaçlarla, .