Ebook "HIV tại Việt Nam hướng dẫn lâm sàng cho nhân viên y tế - Phiên bản 1 năm 2014" có kết cấu nội dung chia thành 5 phân ứng với có nội dung sau: Sự lây truyền, dự phòng, xét nghiệm và chẩn đoán HIV; đánh giá ban đầu và theo dõi bệnh nhân; theo dõi về xét nghiệm và phổ bệnh HIV; biểu hiện triệu chứng thường gặp ở người nhiễm HIV; điều trị kháng HIV. . | Hướng dẫn lâm sàng cho Nhân viên y tế Phiên bản 1 2014 HIV in Vietnam: A Clinical Guide for the Medical Practitioner First Edition, 2014 Bich-Thuy Sim, MD Senior Technical Advisor Harvard Medical School AIDS Initiative in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Instructor of Medicine Division of General Medicine and Primary Care Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA Howard Libman, MD Director, HIV Program Healthcare Associates Education Section Chief Division of General Medicine and Primary Care Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA This manual was supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number 5U2GPS001177-05 with the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents of the manual are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC or the US Government. EDITORIAL NOTE Since the first HIV infection reported in 1990 to now, there have been an estimated 250,000 persons living with HIV (PLHIV) in Vietnam with the vast majority (>80%) in the 20-39 year-old population. Vietnam is experiencing a highly concentrated HIV epidemic, with infections primarily focused among most at risk persons (MARPs) including injection drug users (IDUs), female sex workers (FSWs), and men who have sex with men (MSM). Recent trends show a significant decrease in IDUs living with HIV in contrast to an increase in MSM living with HIV. In addition, there has been a steady increase since 2002 in the percentage of women infected with HIV to its currently estimated 31% of newly reported infections, speculated to be transmitted via heterosexual contact. As of December 2011, there were reported HIV cases in 77% of the communes, 98% of the districts, and in all 63 provinces. With donor support from international organizations, the Vietnam Ministry of Health (MOH) and provincial health services provide antiretroviral .