This study aimed to assess the genetic diversity of 102 lines of doubled haploid wheat (obtained from CIMMYT) using the acid-PAGE method, morphological traits, and baking quality. Cluster analysis of the morphological traits separated all the genotypes into 4 groups, such that the genotypes with high yield were placed in 1 group. | Turk J Biol 34 (2010) 343-353 © TÜBİTAK doi: Genetic diversity in doubled haploid wheat according to the acid-PAGE method, morphological traits, and baking quality Javid OJAGHI1, Ellada AKHUNDOVA2 1 Islamic Azad University- Ardabil Branch - IRAN 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Genetic and Darwinism, Baku State University, Baku - AZERBAIJAN Received: Abstract: This study aimed to assess the genetic diversity of 102 lines of doubled haploid wheat (obtained from CIMMYT) using the acid-PAGE method, morphological traits, and baking quality. Cluster analysis of the morphological traits separated all the genotypes into 4 groups, such that the genotypes with high yield were placed in 1 group. However, based on cluster analysis of their qualitative traits, the genotypes were classified into 3 main groups, while the genotypes with high protein content were placed in a distinct group. In all, 48 bands and 47 patterns were observed in the 102 lines studied, and polymorphism was observed in most of the bands. In the ω region, 18 bands and 19 patterns were observed, which was the highest number of bands observed in all 4 gliadin regions. In the γ and β regions, 12 and 9 bands, and 19 and 12 patterns were observed, respectively. The lowest pattern of heterogeneity (7 patterns and 9 bands) was seen in the α region, presumably because the bands in this region did not separate well with one-dimensional electrophoresis. Using Nei’s formula for the patterns the genetic diversity of all 4 regions (α, β, γ, ω) was calculated, and further analysis showed that the γ region, with H = , had the most genetic diversity, followed by the ω and β regions, with H = and H = , respectively. The lowest genetic diversity was observed in the α region, with H = . Cluster analysis based on the protein bands classified the genotypes into 9 main groups. Although the lines examined in this study had the same parents, considerable diversity was .