Salinity tests were conducted on Çavuş, Müşküle and Sultani Çekirdeksiz grapevine cultivars under in vitro conditions. Plant materials used in the salinity test were propagated using the axillary bud culture method. It was determined that salt tolerant cultivars relatively maintained their growth rates and could avoid metabolic disordes such as chlorophyll deficiency. | Tr. J. of Biology 23 (1999) 473–485 © TÜBİTAK Determination of Salt Tolerance in Some Grapevine Cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) Under in vitro Conditions N. SİVRİTEPE, A. ERİŞ Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludağ University, Bursa-TURKEY Received: Abstract: Salinity tests were conducted on Çavuş, Müşküle and Sultani Çekirdeksiz grapevine cultivars under in vitro conditions. Plant materials used in the salinity test were propagated using the axillary bud culture method. Single-node shoots were subjected to five different NaCl concentrations (, , , and ) in MS+5 µM BA medium for two periods (4 and 8 weeks). Proliferation, growth, total chlorophyll content and viability of explants decreased due to the increase in NaCl concentration and length of treatment period. Moreover, it was determined that salt treatment caused necroses in explants and the severity of this injury varied depending on the cultivar, NaCl concentration and the treatment period. The most tolerant grapevine cultivar to salt treatment was Çavuş, and this was followed by Sultani Çekirdeksiz and Müşküle. It was determined that salt tolerant cultivars relatively maintained their growth rates and could avoid metabolic disordes such as chlorophyll deficiency. Key Words: NaCl, selection, salt tolerance, in vitro, grapevine. In Vitro Koşullarda Bazı Asma Çeşitlerinde (Vitis vinifera L.) Tuza Toleransın Belirlenmesi Özet: Tuz testleri in vitro koşullar altında Çavuş, Müşküle ve Sultani Çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşitlerinde yapılmıştır. Tuz testlerinde kullanılan bitkisel materyal aktif tomurcuk kültürü yöntemi ile çoğaltılmıştır. Tek boğumlu sürgünler MS+5 µM BA ortamında, iki farklı zaman periyodunda (4 ve 8 hafta), 5 farklı NaCl konsantrasyonuna (%, , , ve ) maruz bırakılmışlardır. Artan NaCl konsantrasyonu ve uygulama süresine bağlı olarak eksplantlarda, çoğalma oranı, büyüme, toplam klorofil miktarı ve canlılığın azaldığı tespit .