The aim of this study is to analyze the economic allocation problem for a photovoltaic-wind hybrid system at 25 locations in Taiwan. The HOMER software developed by the National Energy Renewable Laboratory (NERL) is applied to simulate the economic capacity problem, the comparisons of total Net Present Cost (NPC) at these 25 locations with different Hub Height and capacity shortage are conducted. | 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會 台灣 桃園 2009年11月28-29日 Economic Analysis of PV-Wind Hybrid System at 25 Locations in Taiwan 臺灣25個地區太陽光電-風力混合發電系統之經濟分析 凌拯民 Jeeng-Min Ling 黎方長 Phuong-Truong Le 南台科技大學 電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, TAIWAN jmling@ le_truong1982@ Abstract – The aim of this study is to analyze the economic allocation problem for a photovoltaic-wind hybrid system at 25 locations in Taiwan. The HOMER software developed by the National Energy Renewable Laboratory (NERL) is applied to simulate the economic capacity problem, the comparisons of total Net Present Cost (NPC) at these 25 locations with different Hub Height and capacity shortage are conducted. Another simulation result is focus on the comparison with the combination of Photovoltaic-battery versus wind-photovoltaic-battery hybrid system in different type of wind turbine. 25 different weather station recorded data in year 2007 are used to characterize the different type of optimal capacity allocation in these areas. Keywords: Economic analysis, Hybrid PV-wind system 摘要: 本研究主要探討於台灣25個中央氣象局觀測站所在位 置架設混合式再生能源發電系統時,如何決定其最佳 容量配置之經濟分析問題。利用美國再生能源研究室 所發展之分散式電力之最佳化分析軟體(HOMER)進行測 試,分別分析比較了25個不同觀測站所在位置,於不 同風力發電機組之塔架高度及系統不同缺電率時的最 佳容量配置解,另外亦比較了太陽光電-風力蓄電池及太陽光電蓄電池兩種不同獨立式再生能源混合系統之容量配置 解。測試模擬之天候資料為中央氣象局2007年之實測 氣象數據。 關鍵字:經濟分析、混合式再生能源發電系統。 1. Introduction Nowadays, the problems caused by polluted environment have been increasing severely. That is why renewable energy has become an urgent task that is needed to be done and improved all over the world. Many hybrid renewable systems have been studied recently, such as photovoltaic (PV)-wind, PV-hydro system. Sizing of a micro-hydro-PV-hybrid system has been conducted for rural electrification in developing countries [1], the combination of PV and diesel/battery was proposed. It highlighted the use of an optimal model to size a hybrid renewable system at a village in the Cameroon. The PVwind hybrid system in the