(BQ) Part 2 book “Brain and behavior” has contents: Learning and memory, intelligence and cognitive functioning, psychological disorders, sleep and consciousness. | Part IV Complex Behavior Chapter 12. Learning and Memory Chapter 13. Intelligence and Cognitive Functioning Chapter 14. Psychological Disorders Chapter 15. Sleep and Consciousness 12 Learning and Memory In this chapter you will learn • How and where memories are stored in the brain • What changes occur in the brain during learning • How aging and two major disorders impair learning Learning as the Storage of Memories Amnesia: The Failure of Storage and Retrieval APPLICATION: THE LEGACY OF HM Mechanisms of Consolidation and Retrieval Where Memories Are Stored Two Kinds of Learning Working Memory CONCEPT CHECK Brain Changes in Learning Long-Term Potentiation How LTP Happens Neural Growth in Learning Consolidation Revisited Changing Our Memories APPLICATION: TOTAL RECALL IN THE NEWS: RECALLING IT NOW HELPS YOU REMEMBER IT LATER CONCEPT CHECK Learning Deficiencies and Disorders Effects of Aging on Memory Alzheimer’s Disease IN THE NEWS: NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH TEAMS WITH DRUG COMPANIES Korsakoff’s Syndrome CONCEPT CHECK In Perspective Summary Study Resources the age of 7, Henry Molaison’s life was forever changed by a seemingly A t minor incident: He was knocked down by a bicycle and was unconscious for 5 minutes. Three years later, he began to have minor seizures, and his first major seizure occurred on his 16th birthday. Still, Henry had a reasonably normal adolescence, taken up with high school, science club, hunting, and rollerskating, except for a 2-year furlough from school because the other boys teased him about his seizures. “ Discovering the physical basis of learning in humans and other mammals is among the greatest remaining challenges facing the neurosciences. —Brown, Chapman,Kairiss, & Keenan, 1988 ” After high school, he took a job in a factory, but eventually the seizures made it impossible for him to work. He was averaging 10 small seizures a day and 1 major seizure per week. Because anticonvulsant medications were unable