This chapter introduce the Path-Goal theory. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals, enhance employee performance and employee satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation. | Leadership Chapter 7 – Path-Goal Theory Northouse, 4th edition Path-Goal Theory Perspective Conditions of Leadership Motivation Leader Behaviors & Subordinate Characteristics Task Characteristics How Does the PGT Approach Work? Overview Path-Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Path-goal theory centers on how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals Emphasizes the relationship between the leaders style the characteristics of the subordinates the work setting Definition Path-Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Goal - To enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation Motivational Principles (based on Expectancy Theory) - Subordinates will be motivated if they believe: they are capable of performing their work that their efforts will result in a certain outcome that the payoffs for doing their work are worthwhile Perspective Challenge to Leader Use a Leadership Style that best meets subordinates motivational needs choose behaviors that complement or supplement what is missing in the work setting enhance goal attainment by providing information or rewards provide subordinates with the elements they need to reach their goals Conditions of Leadership Motivation It increases the number and kinds of payoffs subordinates receive from their work Makes the path to the goal clear and easy to travel through with coaching and direction Removes obstacles and roadblocks to attaining the goal Makes the work itself more personally satisfying Leadership generates motivation when: Basic Idea Path-Goal Theory Major Components of Path-Goal Theory Path-Goal Theory Suggests: Each type of leader behavior has a different kind of impact on subordinates motivation Whether or not a particular leader behavior is motivating is contingent on subordinate characteristics task characteristics Leader Behaviors Directive Leadership Leader who gives subordinates task instruction including: What is expected of them How task is to be done Timeline | Leadership Chapter 7 – Path-Goal Theory Northouse, 4th edition Path-Goal Theory Perspective Conditions of Leadership Motivation Leader Behaviors & Subordinate Characteristics Task Characteristics How Does the PGT Approach Work? Overview Path-Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Path-goal theory centers on how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals Emphasizes the relationship between the leaders style the characteristics of the subordinates the work setting Definition Path-Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Goal - To enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation Motivational Principles (based on Expectancy Theory) - Subordinates will be motivated if they believe: they are capable of performing their work that their efforts will result in a certain outcome that the payoffs for doing their work are worthwhile Perspective Challenge to Leader Use a Leadership Style that best meets subordinates motivational needs choose behaviors