Ebook Hiến pháp nước Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam (Song ngữ Việt - Anh): Phần 2 tiếp tục trình bày các điều lệ của Hiến pháp bằng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh thông qua các nội dung cụ thể sau: The political regime, human rights, fundamental rights and obligations of citizens, economy, social affairs, culture, education, science, technology and environment, defense of the fatherland, the national assembly, the people’s courts and the people’s procuracies. | th e n a t io n a l a s s e m b ly s o c i a l i s t r e p u b l i c o f VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness T H E C O N ST IT U T IO N OF T H E S O C IA L IS T R E P U B L IC O F V IETN A M 1 PREAM BLE T hroughout th e ir m illennia-old history, the V ietnam ese People, w orking diligently and creatively and fighting courageously to build and defend th eir country, have forged a tra d itio n of patriotism , solidarity, hum anity, justice, resilience and indom itableness, and have created th e civilization and culture of Vietnam . Since 1930, u n d er th e leadership of the Com m unist P arty of V ietnam founded and tra in ed by P resident Ho Chi M inh, our People have waged a protracted struggle full of h ard sh ip and sacrifice for national independence and freedom and for th eir own happiness. In the wake of the triu m p h of th e A ugust Revolution, on Septem ber 2, 1945 P resid en t Ho Chi M inh read the Proclam ation of Independence, declaring th e b irth of the Democratic 1 The English translation is for reference only. 67 Republic of V ietnam , now th e Socialist Republic of V ietnam . W ith th e will and stren g th of the en tire nation and th e assistance of friends around the world, our People have gained g re at victories in the struggles to lib erate the nation, reunify th e country, defend the F a th e rla n d and fulfill in tern a tio n al duties, and have recorded resounding achievem ents of historical significance in the cause of renew ing and building th e country tow ard socialism. In stitu tio n aliz in g th e P latform for N ational C onstruction during the Period of T ransition toward Socialism, and p erp etu atin g th e 1946, 1959, 1980 and 1992 C onstitutions, th e V ietnam ese People create, im plem ent and defend th is C onstitution to achieve the goal of a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable and civilized country. Chapter I T H E P O L IT IC A L R E G IM E A rtic le 1 The Socialist