These highspeed TCP’s are efficient in utilizing the high bandwidth link. Still there are various new issues and challenges have been emerged while design and implementation of these high-speed TCP’s. | ISSN:2249-5789 Vandana Kushwaha , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(1),18-21 Research Issues in TCP based Congestion Control for High Speed Network Vandana Kushwaha Department of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University, India vandanakus@ Abstract The Congestion control methods used by the traditional TCP is not applicable to the current high-speed long delay networks due to rapid increase of link bandwidth and end to end delay specifically on wide area networks. The packet drop rate requirement for full utilization of long bandwidth-delay link is not achievable by the traditional TCP. There is large number of congestion control methods for high speed network used by TCP have been proposed. These highspeed TCP’s are efficient in utilizing the high bandwidth link. Still there are various new issues and challenges have been emerged while design and implementation of these high-speed TCP’s. dynamic nature. Still there are various major issues and challenges like Scalability, TCP friendliness, RTT fairness and Responsiveness have been emerged while design and implementation of these high-speed TCP‟s. In this paper, various major issues and challenges while design and implementation of TCP in high speed network have been discussed. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 of this paper, a brief review of TCP for high speed Internet congestion control, has been mentioned. The major issues and challenges for high speed TCP is briefly defined in Section 3. Finally Section 4 concludes the paper. 1. Introduction 2. TCP based Congestion control in highspeed Network Congestion can be defined as a network state in which the total demand for resources, . bandwidth, among the competing users, exceeds the available capacity leading to packet or information loss and results in packet retransmissions[1]. Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion, before it happen, or .