This paper therefore discusses about the essentials of design reusability and its significant charecteristics, which has potential features for cutting the cost of development. The paper also discusses about the most frequently used software metrics till date as well as less -used software metrics. Finally, the paper discusses about the open issues from the studies. | ISSN:2249-5789 P Mangayarkarasi et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(6),208-213 Reviewing the Significance of Software Metrics for Ensuring Design Reusability in Software Engineering P. Mangayarkarasi Research Scholar Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum, India E-Mail: mangaivelu18@ Abstract— with the rise of high competition to retain maximum quality cost effective software application, the significance of software engineering are enhancing in quite faster pace. The field of software development is increasingly giving more emphasis on the object oriented design as well as software metrics as essential method to ensure the quality of software. There has been a quite abundant of studies conducted in the past addressing to the issues of object-oriented development, however, no studies were found effectively for design reusability from software engineering viewpoint. This paper therefore discusses about the essentials of design reusability and its significant charecteristics, which has potential features for cutting the cost of development. The paper also discusses about the most frequently used software metrics till date as well as less -used software metrics. Finally, the paper discusses about the open issues from the studies. Keywords: Component, Design Reusability, Design Pattern, Software Metrics, CK Metrics, MOOD, etc I. INTRODUCTION In the area of software development methodologies, object oriented designs are considered as one of the significant attributes to measure the quality aspects of the software [1]. It was also seen that software projects of small/large scale uses object oriented design methodologies for any software development organization. Hence, object oriented designs can be considered as a degree using which the system objects can posses the specific attributes as well as required charecteristics. The prime reason behind this large scale adoption is that object orient methodologies