This investigation however, discovered an interesting low vibration originating from below the ground. The most likely explanation of its origin is due to the movement of underground water through geological faults. This vibration appears to be transmitted through the megaliths, some of which have concavities or carved holes. | Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology June 2016, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7-27 ISSN 2334-2420 (Print) 2334-2439 (Online) Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development DOI: URL: Archaeoacoustic Analysis of Tarxien Temples in Malta Paolo Debertolis1, Nina Earl2 & Maja Zivić3 Abstract The Tarxien Temples in Malta were analysed from an archaeoacoustic point of view. As there is no roof present, it was not possible to find the resonance properties of the various chambers. This investigation however, discovered an interesting low vibration originating from below the ground. The most likely explanation of its origin is due to the movement of underground water through geological faults. This vibration appears to be transmitted through the megaliths, some of which have concavities or carved holes. Previous archaeological interpretation, has suggested these were likely to have been used to support the foundations of some sort of barrier or door, but without any supporting evidence. Using archaeoacoustic methods a new interpretation of these architectonic particularities is put forward, acting as some type of forerunner to speakers Keywords: Tarxien Temples, Malta, stone circle, resonance, brain activity, megalithic architecture 1 Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste, Aggregate Professor of Dental Archaeology, Project Super Brain Research Group on Archaeoacoustics (SBRG), Italy. 2 Scientific assistant, Project Super Brain Research Group (SBRG), London, . 3 National Museum Zaječar, Curator of Roman Palace Felix Romuliana, Gamzigrad, Serbia. 8 Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 4(1), June 2016 1. Introduction Archaeo-acoustics or archaeoacoustics is a complementary discipline of archaeology which may help to expand our understanding of why certain sites were considered sacred in ancient times. It may also help to explain