After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: Understand the importance of teams and teamwork, identify the building blocks of successful teamwork, understand how managers create and lead high-performance teams. | Chapter 14 Teams and Teamwork Exploring Management 1 Chapter 14 Why is it important to understand teams and teamwork? What are the building blocks of successful teamwork? How can managers create and lead high-performance teams? Teams are an important part of management theory and practice. 2 Teams and Teamwork Teams offer synergy and other benefits to organizations and their members Teams often suffer from common performance problems Organizations are networks of formal teams and informal groups Much research shows that teamwork skills are highly valued by managers. 3 CONTINUED Teams and Teamwork Organizations use committees, task forces, and cross functional teams Virtual teams are increasingly common in organizations Self-managing teams are a form of job enrichment for groups Employees enjoy working in a high performing, cohesive team. 4 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Benefits Team collection of people with complementary skills who work together to accomplish shared goals while holding each other mutually accountable for performance results Many tasks are beyond the capabilities of one person alone. Team support is increasingly necessary. 5 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Benefits Synergy The creation of a whole that exceeds the sum of its parts Working together helps us to understand the strengths of teammates and creates synergy. Synergy is essential to high performance teams not only in sports, but for hospitals, firefighters, NASCAR teams and other work groups. 6 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Problems Social loafing The tendency of some people to avoid responsibility by free-riding in groups To prevent social loafing Keep groups small Make task assignments interesting Social loafing is evidence of a lack of commitment on the part of a team member. 7 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Problems More teamwork performance problems Personality conflicts Differences in work styles Competing goal and visions Overly ambitious agendas Poorly defined problems Conflicts with | Chapter 14 Teams and Teamwork Exploring Management 1 Chapter 14 Why is it important to understand teams and teamwork? What are the building blocks of successful teamwork? How can managers create and lead high-performance teams? Teams are an important part of management theory and practice. 2 Teams and Teamwork Teams offer synergy and other benefits to organizations and their members Teams often suffer from common performance problems Organizations are networks of formal teams and informal groups Much research shows that teamwork skills are highly valued by managers. 3 CONTINUED Teams and Teamwork Organizations use committees, task forces, and cross functional teams Virtual teams are increasingly common in organizations Self-managing teams are a form of job enrichment for groups Employees enjoy working in a high performing, cohesive team. 4 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Benefits Team collection of people with complementary skills who work together to accomplish shared goals .