The research findings suggest that the entrepreneurs former place of employment is inadvertinly creating entrepreneurs. The findings also suggest that self-efficacy and risk taking is positively correlated to entrepreneurship, while simultaneously the fear of failure is a factor for many Irish entrepreneurs. The need for achievement and observing successful entrepreneurs were also prominent motivating factors for starting up a business. Having exposure to mentors was negatively correlated to ntrepreneruship and the findings in relation to the economic environmnet being an influence on the entrepreneurs intention to start-up an enterprise were inconclusive. Access to finace was important in the decision to start-up a business for Irish entrepreneurs, however, the findings for Government support policies and entrepreneurial education were inconclusive. To consult more Economic essay sample, please see at: Bộ Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Kinh tế | Master Thesis in Economics: A research into the motivating factors of Irish entrepreneurs to start-up