Clinical simulations are designed to increase communication and experience among all members of the healthcare team in a low stakes environment. In this study we investigate the current application of in-situ simulation for training and educational purposes at the University of Virginia Health System. One factor we examined includes the impact of the level of fidelity of the simulator on clinician experience. We also looked at the ability to document the situation and if generational differences exist among participants that determine their engagement. We examined types of data collection and examine what data might be useful to collect to determine if simulation improves patient outcomes. We interviewed several facilitators of this approach to divine its applicability to staff education and the potential impact on patient safety. We discovered several key themes including: levels of fidelity, generational differences in acceptance of simulation, difficulties in documentation in the scenario, improvement in communication and the difficulties in quantifying success. Implications included that the level of fidelity is less important than ensuring that the level of fidelity used is matched to the educational objectives and that the scenario created be supported and realistic. | Taking the show on the road: In-situ clinical simulations’ role in promoting teamwork