A field experiment was carried out at Agronomy Research Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), Faizabad (.) during Rabi season of 2015-16 and 2016-17 to study the effect of fertility management on chickpea-mustard intercropping under various row combinations. Twenty four treatment combinations and consisted of three levels of fertility management (75% RDF, 100% RDF and 125% RDF for both crops) and eight row combinations of chickpea + mustard (2:1, 4:1, 6:1, 2:2, 4:2, 6:2, sole crop of mustard and sole crop of chickpea).The experiment was conducted in Factorial RBD with three replications. The yield components of chickpea & mustard were maximum under 4:1 (4 row chickpea+ 1 row mustard) row combination in both the consecutive years and among the fertility management 125% RDF being at par with 100% RDF during both the consecutive years. The maximum chickpea equivalent yield (CEY) was recorded under the treatment combinations of 4:1 (4 row chickpea + 1 row mustard) with 125% RDF which was significantly superior to overall the treatment during both the years and maximum land equivalent ratio (LER) was obtained at 125% RDF in a combination of 4:1 (4 row chickpea + 1 row mustard) in both the years. Number of seeds plant-1 and harvest index in chickpea crop were not influenced significantly due to fertility management and row combinations during both the consecutive years. The highest net return (Rs. 87103 ha-1 ) and benefit cost ratio () were obtained with fertility management 125% RDF for both crops in a combination of 4:1 (4 row chickpea + 1 row mustard) could be most economical. | Performance of chickpea-mustard intercropping on yield and economics of chickpea and mustard crop under different fertility management and various row combinations