A leaf rust resistant stock „Selection212‟ was assessed for resistance against array of leaf rust pathotypes and identified to be a source of resistance to all these pathotypes. The resistant stock Selection212including two susceptible checks Agra Local and Kharchia local were evaluated against 16 pathotypes of leaf rust, Puccinia triticina (Pt) pathogen. The Selection 212 showed high degree of broad spectrum resistance at seedling stage to diverse pathotypes of leaf rust pathogen in India and effective at adult plant stage against two most prevalent pathotypes 77-5 of leaf rust and pathotype 40A of stem rust. Selection 212 was found resistant to leaf rust pathotypes, 12-3, 12-4, 77, 77A, 77A-1, 77-3, 77-5, 77-6, 77-7, 77-8, 77-10, 104-1, 104-4,106, 107-1 and 108. Some of the pathotypes like 77-7, 77-8 and 77-10 are known to have virulence against important resistance genes like Lr9, Lr19 and Lr28. Therefore, Selection 212 seems to be a source of broad spectrum resistance for leaf rust and can be used for further investigation by molecular studies, so that resistance can be exploited for marker assisted wheat breeding. | Wheat line “Selection 212” a source of broad spectrum resistance to leaf rust pathotypes