The present investigation was carried out in Warangal district of Telangana. The study was conducted in Warangal block of Warangal district (Telangana) selected purposively. A total number of 100 respondents were selected through random sampling from 5 sample villages on the basis of majority of Bt. Cotton growers. The structured schedule was developed keeping in view the objectives & variables under study. The respondents were contacted personally for data collection. Salient findings of the study are, most of the respondents (63%) were found in middle aged (63%), had high school education (29%), other backward caste (65%), Hindu religion (100%), nuclear family (73%,) medium family size (50%), small farmers (45%), (67%) annual income (150000-300000), respondents Participation in one organization(70%), medium overall material possession(62%), medium extension contact (),, medium economic motivation (57%), medium scientific orientation (50%), medium risk orientation (68%).