Production of secondary metabolites from plant tissue culture has emerged as a promising and feasible option attracting the attention of scientists worldwide. Plant cell, tissue and organ cultures offer an attractive alternative for homogeneous, controlled production of secondary metabolites, throughout the year, especially when we take commercial demand into account. They not only facilitate the de novo synthesis of novel compounds, but also are able to produce compounds sometimes even in higher amounts than the intact plants. Many biotechnological strategies have been experimented for enhanced production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants. Some of these include screening of high yielding cell lines, media modification, precursor feeding, elicitation, large scale cultivation in bioreactor system, hairy root culture, plant cell immobilization, biotransformation and many others. Some of the recent developments such as metabolic engineering of whole plants and plant cell cultures have been established as effective tools to increase metabolites yield. | Plant tissue culture technology: Sustainable option for mining high value pharmaceutical compounds