The treatments comprised of three varieties of oat (Kent, JHO 822, JHO 851) as the main plot treatments. The different varieties of oat gave different response towards the growth parameters of oat crop like plant height at50% flowering stage, dry matter accumulation plant-1 and green fodder yield with the successive growth stages. The results indicate that the variety JHO 822 of oat resulted significantly maximum in most of the growth parameters at 50% flowering stage but it was at par with variety JHO 851. The lowest growth parameters were found with variety Kent during both the years. The variety JHO 822 proved significantly superior to rest of the varieties tried by giving g dry matter accumulation plant-1 during first year and during second year, the dry matter accumulation per plant was significantly higher with variety JHO 822 but it was at par with variety JHO 851 which was and g, respectively. The green fodder yield of oat at harvest was significantly maximum with variety JHO 822 ( & q/ha) during both the years respectively than rest of the varieties tried. | Achieving higher yield of fodder by assessment of the suitable variety of oat