The present study was conducted on 91 Tharparkar cows maintained at the Livestock Research Station, Beechwal, Bikaner for 11 years . from 2006 to 2016. The data were analysed with the objective of performance appraisal of Tharparkar cattle with respect to production traits and to study the effect of genetic factor . sire group and non genetic factors . period and season of calving on production traits. The overall least-squares means for first lactation milk yield (FLMY), first lactation length (FLL), first lactation dry period (FDP), lactation milk yield per day of first lactation length (LMY/FLL) and lactation milk yield per day of first calving interval (LMY/FCI) were found to be ± kg, ± days, ± days, ± kg/day and ± kg/day. The effect of sire was found to be significant on first lactation production traits. The Period of calving had significant effect on FLL and LMY/FCI, while season of calving had no significant effect on first lactation production traits. The AFC had significant effect on FLMY and FLL. | Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on first lactation production traits in Tharparkar cattle