The adoption of mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing technologies by the sericulture farmers was studied in Krishnagiri district. The data were collected from the selected sample ninety sericulturists with a structured schedule by using personal interview methods. Three categories of sericulturists viz. full adoption, partial and non-adoption were made. Adoption on mulberry cultivation practices was high on mulberry variety (100%), seriboost/ poshan (100 %), spacing ( %) and chemical fertilizer ( %). In silkworm rearing technologies, adoption was high on shoot rearing (100 %), IPM for uzifly (100 %), disinfection ( %), hygienic maintenance ( %), bed spacing maintenance ( %), separate rearing house ( %), bed cleaning ( %), improved mountages ( %), IPM for silkworm diseases ( %) and room disinfection ( %). | Adoption of recommended technologies by sericulture farmers in Krishnagiri district