Chilli is grown in many states in India as a valuable trade crop. Chilli accounts for 20-30% of total Indian spices exports valuing approx Rs. 400-500 cores. Nine cultural media Potato dextrose agar, Host extract agar (Chilli), Oat meal agar, Carrot agar, Plane agar, Richards agar, Czapeks agar, Elliots agar, Saboroud’s agar were analyzed for in vitro mycelial growth of Sclerotium rolfsii. The cultural characteristics indicated that the excellent growth and sclerotia formation were observed on different semi-synthetic media viz., Potato dextrose agar and Host extract agar medium (Chilli) followed by Oat meal agar, Saboround’s agar and Richard’s agar. | Effect of different cultural media on growth of Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. causing root rot of chilli