Black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] is one of the most important grain legumes and attacked by several foliar diseases that cause premature drying of leaves, resulting in reduced black gram yields. An experiment was conducted to find out the stable source of resistance against Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). Total of six cultivars (PU-30, PU-31, PU-38, PU-40, PUI-94-1 and TAU-1)of Black gram were evaluated under in micro plots in Agronomy farm at Rajasthan college of agriculture, Udaipur during 2013 and 2014 kharif season. The most virulent isolate (MVL) was utilized to screen the six cultivars. Out of six cultivars, two cultivars PU-31 and PU-30 were found to be moderately resistant with per cent disease index (PDI) of and respectively. Two cultivars PU-38 and PU-40 were found moderately susceptible with PDI of and respectively. The remaining two cultivars TAU-1 and PUI-94-1 were susceptible with PDI of and respectively. The study resulted in identification of two moderately resistant cultivars (PU-30 and PU-31) can further be utilized in resistant breeding program. | Host plant resistance in different black gram cultivars against anthracnose