The integrated farming system study was conducted at farmers field of village –Mohpur, BlockKanker, District- Uttar Bastar Kanker (.) under All India Coordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming System- On Farm Research, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kanker during July, 2017- June, 2018 for finding the contribution of total income to the livelihood of farmers who practices integrated farming system. Study was conducted in crop + vegetable + dairy + Goatry + piggery + poultry + duck + fisheries + lac cultivation + minor forest produce + FYM & vermi-compost + Azolla production farming system in hectare area under irrigated condition. Out of one hectare area, ha was allotted for crop component field crops (rice, blackgram, pigeon pea, sweet corn) & vegetables (tomato, brinjal, onion, potato, peas, chilly, cucubits etc), ha for lac cultivation, ha for fisheries, ha for organic manure production, ha for animal husbandry & poultry and ha for residency & other. | Impacts of integrated farming system on socio-economics and livelihood sustainability of small and marginal farmers in Chhattisgarh