Water scarcity and increase wastewater generation are twin problem associated which needs to be addressed to derive benefit for agricultural production. In this context laboratory study was conducted to characterize the wastewater from four different sources (Ugar sugar-Ugar khurd, West coast paper mill-Dandeli, Nectar beverages-Dharwad, Domestic sewage water-UAS campus Dharwad) in north Karnataka and were compared with freshwater. Spentwash from the Ugar Sugar Works distillery was singularly different from rest of the wastewaters and was characterized by its high pH, EC, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, total nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and sulphate concentration. The effect of the wastewaters on the dominant soils of north Karnataka (Red, Lateritic and Black soil) were evaluated in column study during March-2014 to April-2015. Wide variation in water characteristics was recorded with wastewaters studied. Application of 8 pore volumes of different wastewaters increased Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and B of the soils over freshwater application. Among the wastewaters, biomethanated spentwash induced greater influence on the recorded soil parameters. Higher values of the observed soil parameter were recorded in the surface soil (0-15 cm) in comparison to other depths (15-30 cm, 30-45 cm and 45- 60 cm). | Effect of wastewaters on concentration of micronutrients in dominant soils of north Karnataka, India