Impact of non-genetic factors on growth traits in Sonadi sheep

Data pertaining to 519 Sonadi sheep maintained at Mega Sheep Seed Project (Sonadi Unit) College of Veterinary Science, Navania, Vallabhnagar (Rajasthan) were analyzed to assess the effect of non-genetic factors (sex, season and period of lambing ) on growth traits viz. birth weight (BWT), three (3WT), six (6WT), nine (9WT) and twelve (12WT) months weights. The estimated least squares means for BWT, 3WT, 6WT, 9WT and 12WT were found as ± kg, ± kg, ± kg, ± kg, ± kg, respectively. Sex of lambing had significant influence on all growth traits. Higher estimates were observed in males as compared to females for all the traits studied. | Impact of non-genetic factors on growth traits in Sonadi sheep

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